Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New School

Little D has complained a couple of times about his new school. He claims that there are too many activities, and not enough play time. One of the MANY reasons I wanted to move out of the school he was at was that EVERYTHING was ALWAYS a choice. No one could make a wrong decision, and refusing to do something was totally fine. There were no activities or projects which everyone needed to be a part of, and so for the most part, Little D did not participate. This worked well for my little emotional 2 year-old D, but I think was helping him turn into a very bossy, stubborn 3.5 year old. I wanted to find a place with a little structure, a few guided age appropriate activities and still plenty of time for play. D and I talked about the fact that this school is a "bigger kid" school where there are more "jobs" to do than at his old "baby" school where he could do anything at any time. He was okay with that answer seems happy every school day when I pick him up. And, as if to prove my point, since starting this school at the beginning of January he has gone from not writing a single letter of his name to writing it all the time - amazing! In the photo above you can see his cubby, which he decorated with pictures he drew of his family. 

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