This is my posse (minus one who couldn't make it). We met when we had brand new babies, at the hospital new-mom's group 6 years ago. We now have 13 kids between us, and have been through "the war" together. My past six years would have been very different without these women in my life.
These yearly weekend getaways are getting less necessary as the intenseness of parenting is waning - our kids are getting bigger and not so emotionally or physically draining as they once were. And yet, they are at the same time getting even more necessary as we get less and less time to spend together. Our big kids are all in kindergarten and are busier than ever. All of us work- either part time, full time, or taking grad classes. This trip is our time to reconnect, to regroup and check in with each other about how things are going.
I love these women so much, and think that I am a better woman for knowing them.
I think that we become better women when we have women friends that we truly love. Congratulations on finding yours.