Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I kinda wish I hadn't.

DaVinci lost another tooth today... Well, more accurately, I may have taken a tooth. You see, it was just so wiggly, just barely hanging on. Like a piece of peeling paint, like a falling off scab, like a, well, something that you just want to hurry along. We were at a Mexican restaurant and she was eating a cheese quesadilla, using the side of her mouth to bite. I then held the quesadilla for her, gave her a bite, and then yanked it as she was chomping down. I hadn't intended to do such a thing when I put the bite to her lips, but, well, something came over me and I did it. The tooth popped right out, much to DaVinci's surprise and Z's total disgust and horror. It bled, she cried, and I felt really bad. Whoops. But two minutes later, she was admiring her tooth and excited for the tooth fairy. Z was still shuddering...

I solemnly swear, here in front of the 5 people who read this, that I will NEVER yank a tooth again. Unless I am asked nicely by the owner of the loose tooth.