I am still learning the tricks of dog ownership - for instance, I still don't know what time the switchover happens between middle school field and dog park madness. Apparently 3:45 on a Tuesday is the wrong answer. Fortunately we went and got the neighbor's dog for some backyard mini-park madness. Walking home from the dog park after an unsuccessful attempt to park the dog I spotted the "vehicle" above. So the photo is of, well, I have no idea. The barrels which serve as wheels are lined with treads, there are handlebars, a bell, what might have been part of an engine. My mysterious object comprehension ability reached max capacity well before I fully understood this crazy thing. And yes of course here it is, parked on the street 3 blocks from my house in the middle of crazy Portland. Once you live here for a certain amount of time you expect ALL of the horse hitch rings on the sidewalk to have tiny plastic horses tied to them. The place is charmingly whack-a-doodle.
In other news, the chickens love their new extended run, and Maybelle is growing back her feathers.
Also, I just discovered that one of the guys who does radiolab has a blog. I love it.
Have you checked out Portlandia on IFC? Blake and I were hysterical last night watching clips. :)